1. Search engine advertising online advertising

One of the most widely used online advertising methods is Search Engine Marketing (SEM), and of course, Google leads them all.
In fact, the big tech giant has a way to sponsor ads: Google AdWords.
The main benefit of this type of advertising is to allow you to optimize your website through paid advertising. This way, for example, despite SEM technologies, you can advertise your products, services or content through Google ads or otherwise. Users will find this more easily because their ads will appear in search results for relevant users. online advertising
This type of ad generally works with pay-per-click (PPC), which means that you only pay for each click on your ad, and although there are other methods, it is still the most used. They are highly customizable and choose the maximum number of clicks you want to pay for a given word.
Search engine advertising online advertising
For formatting, up to four text lines are supported and distributed as follows: 25 characters in the title, 70 characters in the text and 35 characters for the URL. online advertising
For example, suppose you want to make a hotel reservation in Fiji next month and you’re searching on Google: “Best Fiji Hotels.” As you can see in the following image, there are ads in the main search results, but lower results are organic results developed by SEO techniques. Recent results show that your business is visible by ranking it first:
To use them, advertisers widely use search engine ads whose main goal is to get web traffic and conversions, because with this type of ads reaching users looking for your products. In addition, it is one of the simplest and most efficient advertising techniques. online advertising
2 Advertising on social networks.
It would be stupid to overlook the power of social networks to help you achieve a successful business. Not only is it effective in its digital marketing strategy, but social media ads are gaining more followers thanks to their effectiveness.
In fact, most social networks offer the ability to create direct ads on their platforms, whether they promote messages and content or create specific ads. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube are just some of them.
In addition, online advertising allows you to segment your target audience and in this way, you can choose the group you are trying to reach. Not only with this, but with promotions, you can reach more people, be in a higher position and have more options for successful results.
If you want to increase your presence in social networks, your knowledge and leadership of traffic towards social profiles and your website is a good choice for you.
This is how advertising on Twitter looks like an ad on your agenda:
3 Banners.
Logos are probably the best format for online advertising because they were the first ads to appear online.
It consists of strategically placing ads in different shapes, sizes, and designs within a web page. Users who click the ad will be taken to the site of their choice. However, the problem is that today we are very saturated with ads we hardly notice, so if you want to advertise online, you should first consider other options, such as Google AdWords or social media ads.
For example, if you’re reading a news article in an online newspaper, for example, DailyMail.com, you’ll see ads like this:
4 Show sudden appearance
Jokes aside: Make sure they have closed dozens of pop-up ads while using the Internet (probably much more) which is standard in online advertising and is very annoying.
These are the windows that appear and take you to a different website than what you were seeing, and although this method has been very effective for years, it is now without a significant increase on the Internet.
Now, this is not related to a popular online marketing vendor: enter a pop-up window on your website and invite users to register or register or simply enter their email to receive completely free information.
Something as simple as this can help you get chances, increase your database and give you better results. In Postcron, as I learned a little at the beginning of this article, we performed this procedure and the fact is that it’s something to remember:
5 Blog Advertising
However, we do not refer to ads that appear on any blog, because this is in line with Google banners or ads, but it is a kind of indirect advertising that is usually done by telling stories and brand content, creating an ad for a story or mental experience.
online advertising is a relatively new method and therefore, many companies are still unaware of the benefits.
It consists of a kind of collaborative advertising, and to take advantage of its potential, you must look for leaders in your sector to pay to write an article about their products or services, and when we say “pay”, we not only talk about money, but you can also give them your products, services or things Other you can take advantage of.
If you already know which blogs your target audience follows, this is a very good option to discover and get some traffic.
For example, Fashions pot is one of the most popular fashion and beauty blogs that tend to talk about different products and services as you see in the following picture:
6 Mobile advertising
Undoubtedly, this is one of the online advertising strategies that has gained more popularity in recent years, because everyone has a smartphone or any other type of mobile phone that they call regularly.
This makes more and more companies choose to adapt their ads to the fastest growing medium. Unlike long ago, when most mobile ads were simple modifications to computer ads, it is now intended to show ads from a smartphone without problems, whether text, video or images.
They can be on social networks, as well as on Google AdWords, logos, or other ad formats. Keep in mind that users don’t use smartphones and computers in the same way, so choose a responsive design, adapt the design and make sure your page is customizable to display on your mobile phone. First, make sure the charging time is not too long, that procedural calls are highlighted and that the buttons are visible.
In this example, you can see an Orbitz Facebook ad designed specifically for viewing from a smartphone:
7 Advertising mail
For many years, this type of online advertising has dominated and is not annoying, non-intrusive and ineffective: bulk email ads.
In fact, we receive many emails every day, so we’re safe from advertising and we only need two seconds to send them directly to the spam folder.
Email marketing is not related to this, but goes further and can be considered an essential part of the digital marketing strategy.
Email marketing will cover the entire article (maybe more), but they talk about ads and point to compelling ads, daily ads, friendly messages, and a value the user doesn’t want to remove.
It’s an acceptable and friendly ad format, and you should definitely use it, but don’t consider it part of your digital marketing strategy, not your ad format.
Apple, for example, is a company that tends to use it frequently to share its promotions without users seeing them as an ad only; they even add a Buy button directly in the email
8 Video ads
We consume more and more video content, and this makes video ads king of kings.
Viral videos are growing and there are even social networks dedicated to videos like YouTube or Vine. In fact, these platforms can become an excellent speed for advertising your product and service. Video ads from YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo, and Vine will be shown to the user before the video starts; they can be placed even on the site and in search results.
In addition, this type of ad also includes banners and ads that can be inserted as video on a website; it appears to attract twice as many users as plain text or images.
This is a good option to consider, as well as an economic option that is easy to do.
For example, if we search for “online marketing” on YouTube, the first result that appears is advertising.
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